Light air pollution:
For light air pollution caused by oil, soluble oils and general cooling lubricants
Particle sizes:
For particle sizes between 1–10 μm. Visible on dispersion. Liquid and solid particles in the aerosol range. Occurs when using cooling lubricants containing pure oil and soluble oils (coolants). Occurs at moderate machining speeds and with low pressure of cooling lubricants.
Standard and turnkey solutions: All GT air filter devices of performance classes 5 and 10 as a stand-alone solution for installation at or alongside the source of pollution. Individual configuration in response to company-specific requirements of the production environment and applicable environmental requirements.
Filtration efficiency 99.97 % for particle sizes ≥ 0.3 µm
Heavy air pollution:
For heavy air pollution caused by oil, soluble oils and general cooling lubricants.
Particle sizes:
Particle sizes measuring between 0.01 – 10 μm. Liquid and solid particles in the aerosol range. Visible on dispersion. Occurs when using cooling lubricants containing pure oil and soluble oils (coolants). Occurs in the event of high cutting speeds and/or with high pressure of cooling lubricants.
Standard and turnkey solutions: All GT air filter devices of performance classes 20, 40 and 80 as a stand-alone solution or as a central unit for multiple sources of pollution. Individual configuration in response to company-specific requirements of the production environment and applicable environmental requirements.
Filtration efficiency 99.97 % for particle sizes ≥ 0.3 µm
The solution for exhausts loaded with adhesive aerosols from thermal processes.
Prefiltration in the case of air pollution by adhesive aerosols, as typically occurs during thermal processes (e.g. hardening, coating, lasering).
Compact pre-filter unit with special filter fabric. Extraction takes place through downstream extraction system (e.g. GT® 40H).
GT®-SC is the perfect solution for a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly cleaning and decreasing of your products!
The exhaust station protects employees and hall air from high levels of pollution from harmful volatile hydro carbons (VOC) by separating them with activated carbon.
Exhaust station for cleaning agent and other process media
Ensures fresh, clean air and promotes a healthy indoor climate!
Say goodbye to viruses, bacteria and mold! Our highly efficient room air purifier GT®10AP/APS provides fresh, clean air and promotes a healthy room climate thanks to the reliable multi-stage GT®filter system! Permanent filtration makes harmful substances such as viruses, bacteria, mold, pollen, dust and smoke harmless and removes unpleasant odors.
Highly efficient room air purifier with a separation degree of 99.995 % (HEPA 14) and a volume performance of up to 1000 m3/h (infinitely adjustable).
GTI Glob Tec Industriemaschinen GmbH
Richard-Stocker-Str. 19
D-78234 Engen
Tel +49 (0) 7733 36236-0